Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy 20th High Sierra!

High ho High ho it's off to High Sierra I go, with frickles and
friends, great music that never ends for 4 days I go, I go, to High
Sierra I go. Happy 20th High Sierrrra!!!
Come for the music, stay for the music and try a little fry. Frickles
and Fried Green Tomatoes.
Eye be looking for yah

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunset Magazine

This past Saturday and Sunday we frickled for Sunset Magazine's Celebration Weekend. A super fun family event. Lots of exhibits from Vintage campers to celebrity chef demos, outdoor garden supplies and ideas, bbq's, travel exhibits and lots of tasty foods.

WE LOVED the smiling faces of first time frickler's. That was most of the crowd. The West Coast is being invaded by Frickles. Quick, grab your loved ones and a Fabulous Fricklisious dip and welcome in those little golden fellas.

Thanks for the gracious compliments and hope to see y'all again; yes real soon.