Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Circus Dips

This Sunday at the LagunitasBeer Circus we will present 3 yummy Straus based Organic Yogurt frickle dips. Cukaracha Sriachia, Tasty Curry Mustard and Big Dean's Ranch. Some folks say "Hey, you guys should make one a BBQ dip" So we did. Just ask for The BBQ One cuz that's what we call it. Tomato based, smokey and kinda frickley. See you clowns at the circus.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fresh Farmers Fry

Hello my frickled friends! A fresh farmers fry at the Novato Farmers Market starts May 3rd and every Tuesday from 4-8pm. We will take whats fresh at that days market and do it up Frickle Brothers style.
This local fresh farmers fry will be accompanied with our Fabulous Straus yogurt dips. Yes, Yes, of course our Fabulous Frickles will be there too.
Will you?